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Update inside for loop
In below helper class i have commented there are two condition update for contact and lead Please suggest me how to make this out of for loop and code bulkified. Please suggest
In below helper class i have commented there are two condition update for contact and lead Please suggest me how to make this out of for loop and code bulkified. Please suggest
public class CtapAssessmentTriggerUtils { public static void processInsert(List<CTAP_Assessment__c> newLst) { List<Contact> cntlst = new List<Contact>(); List<Lead> ledlst = new List<Lead>(); Set<String> emailSet = new Set<String>(); Set<String> partnerSet = new Set<String>(); Lead l = new lead(); Map<String, Id> mapEmailToConId = new Map<String, Id>(); Map<String, Id> mapEmailToLeadId = new Map<String, Id>(); List<Lead> newLeadLst = new List<Lead>(); Map<String, CTAP_Assessment__c> newLeadforCtapMap = new Map<String, CTAP_Assessment__c> (); Map<Id,Id> PartnerActMap = new Map<Id,Id>(); // collect emails in a set for(CTAP_Assessment__c ctap : newLst) { CountryCodeMap__c codeMap = CountryCodeMap__c.getInstance(ctap.Country_Code__c); system.debug('__kkk__' +codeMap); if(codeMap != null) { ctap.End_Customer_Country__c = codeMap.Country_Name__c; } emailSet.add(ctap.Contact_Email__c); partnerSet.add(ctap.Partner_Account__c); system.debug('ctap.Contact_Email__c ' + ctap.Contact_Email__c); } // removing nulls emailSet.remove(null); system.debug('emailSet ' + emailSet); if(!emailSet.isEmpty()) { for(Contact objCon : [select id,email from contact where email IN :emailSet]){ mapEmailToConId.put(objCon.Email, objCon.Id); objCon.Lead_Source_Temp__c = 'CTAP Assessement'; //Update Contact Lead Source added by Sudhir cntlst.add(objCon); } for(Lead objLead: [select id,email from Lead where email IN :emailSet]){ mapEmailToLeadId.put(objLead.Email, objLead.Id); objLead.Lead_Source_Temp__c = 'CTAP Assessement'; //Update Lead Source added by Sudhir ledlst.add(objLead); } } for(Account ObjPartnerAct : [select id,,ownerid from account where id in :partnerSet]){ PartnerActMap.put(,ObjPartnerAct.ownerid); } // asssign based on map key match with email for(CTAP_Assessment__c ctap : newLst){ if( mapEmailToConId.get(ctap.Contact_Email__c) != null){ ctap.Contact__c = mapEmailToConId.get(ctap.Contact_Email__c); ctap.Lead__c = null; if (!cntlst.isEmpty()){ // Conditional update contact update cntlst; } }else if ( mapEmailToLeadId.get(ctap.Contact_Email__c) != null) { ctap.Lead__c = mapEmailToLeadId.get(ctap.Contact_Email__c); ctap.Contact__c = null; if (!ledlst.isEmpty()){ //Conditional update lead update ledlst; } } else { // Create a new lead l.Company = ctap.End_Customer_Name__c; l.FirstName = ctap.Contact_First_Name__c; l.LastName = ctap.Contact_Last_Name__c; l.Email = ctap.Contact_Email__c; l.Phone = ctap.Phone__c; l.Title = ctap.Title__c; l.Industry = ctap.Industry__c; l.Lead_Source_Temp__c = 'CTAP Assessement'; l.LeadSource = 'CTAP Assessement'; l.street = ctap.Address__c; l.Country = ctap.End_Customer_Country__c; l.State = ctap.state__c; l.Postalcode = ctap.postalcode__c; l.Employee_Size__c = ctap.Employee_Size__c; if(ctap.Country_Code__c == 'US') {// verify for the Assignment rule test for US l.Run_Assignment_Rule__c = true; } else if(ctap.Partner_Account__c != null && ( ctap.Country_Code__c != 'US') ){ //Here it checks only for country USA l.Ownerid = PartnerActMap.get(ctap.Partner_Account__c); } if(ctap.Contact_Email__c <> null && ctap.End_Customer_Country__c <> null && ctap.End_Customer_Name__c <> null && ctap.Contact_First_Name__c <> null ) { newLeadLst.add(l); } newLeadforCtapMap.put(ctap.Contact_Email__c, ctap); } } if ( !newLeadLst.isEmpty() ){ insert newLeadLst; for(Lead lead : newLeadLst){ CTAP_Assessment__c ctap = newLeadforCtapMap.get(lead.Email); ctap.Lead__c =; //Assign new lead to ctap lead } } } public static void processUpdate(Map<id,CTAP_Assessment__c> newMap, Map<id,CTAP_Assessment__c> oldMap) { List<CTAP_Assessment__c> changedLst = new List<CTAP_Assessment__c>(); for(CTAP_Assessment__c ctap : newMap.values()){ CTAP_Assessment__c oldCtap = oldMap.get(; if(ctap.Contact_Email__c != null){ changedLst.add(ctap); } if(!changedLst.isEmpty()) processInsert(changedLst); } } }
Use a flag variable to set a flag inside for loop and update outside the for loop based on the value of flag variables,