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Chris TraverChris Traver 

Help on Email Template with Visual Force to display a related list in an email on a custom object

I can follow the directions on cases and this works but when I apply the code below to my custom object I get errors or can only get one line to appear.   The below code products the error Error: Unknown property 'String.QTY__c'.     If I take Cx out of the below it only shows one record.

<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="Contact"
    subject="Your Order Has Shipped PO # {!RelatedTo.Name}"

    <messaging:htmlEmailBody >
            <STYLE type="text/css">
        TH {font-size: 11px; font-face: arial;background: #CCCCCC; border-width: 1;  text-align: center }
        TD  {font-size: 11px; font-face: verdana }
        TABLE {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 1}
        TR {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 1}
     <font face="arial" size="2">
            <p> Your order or a portion of your order has shipped.  </p>
            <p> Purchase Order #: {!relatedTo.Name}</p>

            <th>Freight Co</th>
            <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.Name}">

            <td><a href="{!}">View</a> |
        <a href="{!}/e">Edit</a></td>
            <p> For more information, login to</p>
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Chris,

Sorry for this issue you are encountering.

May I suggest you please check with below link from the success community with a similar discussion and a suggested workaround which might help you further with the above requirement. Please let us know if this helps.

Kindly mark this as solved if the information was helpful.
