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Keith Price 6Keith Price 6 

Trailhead Business Administration Superbadge Challenge No.6: Couldn't find Chatter group members with the correct level of access.

As far as I can see I have set the group members correctly according to instructions, but can't get past this. According to
I need to set a title for each member for it to work - did so, and it still doesn't. This is a very annoying issue - last gasp for the superbadge! Any ideas?
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Keith,

May I request you please double check if you have done the same as below.

Navigate to Setup -> Groups and create a new Group just like the one on the picture.
User-added image
Add group members.
User-added image
Create a Poll to ask the question and a Post with @Ada Balewa.
User-added image

That’s it! Now, you are really close. Just check the challenge.
How does it feel to have the Business Administration Specialist Super badge behind your belt? I’m sure you feel amazing because you are amazing. 

Hope this helps.

Kindly mark this as solved if the information was helpful.

Erica CottenErica Cotten
@Nagendra I went through your exact instructions and I still get an error upong checking that says "Couldn't find the write-up about this Chatter group visible to all users." even though I placed it in the Group Information like you directed. 
Jagriti DahiyaJagriti Dahiya
@Nagendra  - I am also getting an error upong checking that says "Couldn't find the write-up about this Chatter group visible to all users."
@Erica - let me know if you have solved this issue.
Jagriti DahiyaJagriti Dahiya
@all , The error was coming beacause of the formatting in description section of the group. Write - This collaboration space is for Residential Sales team members to ask product questions of one another and the Product Support Specialist team. in description and challenge is complete . :) hope this helps someone.
Pat HarrisPat Harris
@Jagriti Dahiya, this information really helped me finish #6. couldn't have done it with out it. 
keshav rathorekeshav rathore
I had the same issue. I had Ada Balewa as group owner. i made myself the group owner. The membership is Ada Balewa as manager and Shinje Tashi as memeber. it worked for me.
​hope it helps.
Keith Price 6Keith Price 6
Thanks Keshav That was it - I just had to make myself the group owner! I just /knew/ it was some stupid detail like that... Cheers Keith
Natalia MonroyNatalia Monroy
How can I create a new  question in Salesforce Developers??  "Other people besides the intended audience can view the Chatter group."
is about same Superbadge-Trailhea ad Business Administration Superbadge Challenge No.6
I have followed steps by steps. I deleted a group and acreated again but the error is the same
Thanks a lot in advance

Natalia MonroyNatalia Monroy
The problem was solved, I repeat again all. after one task I was checking the challenge. step by step.
Swapnagandha HawaldarSwapnagandha Hawaldar
@keshav rathore, making myself the group owner worked. Thanks so much
xiaoyu wangxiaoyu wang
Many minutes were cost for clearing this one, 
If you still cannot pass check with instruction mentioned by other guys here,
maybe you have same issue as me !!!
Try to swap the first name and last name,
It is not the first time I found myself confused by how salesforce tell first and last name.
Anyway, it is worth a try if you are still stuck same way as me.
kalyani jarekalyani jare
Is there any way to edit the chatter group members' level of access even after the group is created????