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Anne-Marie Costantino 5Anne-Marie Costantino 5 

The 'Contacts by Hobby and Rating' report is not configured correctly

Hi everyone

I am having trouble with Reports and Dasboards Superbadge Challenge 5 and really hope someone can help me out.  I have read all the blogs and posts relating to this challenge and cannot work out why it is not working.

I created the custom report named ; Account - Contact - Contact Hobbies 
Account - Contact - Contact Hobbies (Custom Report)

I then created the report named: Contacts by Hobby and Rating

Contacts by Hobby and Rating

When I try to check challenge I get the following error;
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Contacts by Hobby and Rating' report is not configured correctly.

Really hoping someone can help me, I have checked and double checked this and cannot work out what the problem is.

Thanks in advance
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Anne,

May I suggest you please check with below link from the forums community with a similar discussion and a suggested workaround. Please let us know if this helps.

Kindly mark this as solved if the information was helpful.

Anne-Marie Costantino 8Anne-Marie Costantino 8

Hi Nagendra
No - The link you sent I have read and does not resolve my issue. 
If anyone else can help me that would be greatly appreciated.

Anne-Marie Costantino 8Anne-Marie Costantino 8
Would you believe the issue was I had incorrect spelling on the bucket field name: Outdoor Activities.  As soon as I corrected the spelling I was able to complete challenge 5