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Ian QuahIan Quah 

Page Layout In field: customButtons - no WebLink named X.Y found

so I'm running into the issue below when I try to upload my changeset from my sandbox to production
Surgery__c-Pre-Assessment Page Layout 908 34 In field: customButtons - no WebLink named Surgery__c.Filter_Fields found

I've gone into the setup and looked in the page layouts as well as the "Buttons links and actions" section for both the production and sandbox and I can't seem to find a Filter_Fields section in either so I'm not really sure what to do.
Filter fields was a visualforce page I created a while back and subsequently deleted (after uploading it, unfortunately) but now I can't seem to find where it's being referenced on the surgery object
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Ian,

May I request you please confirm that you don't have this button as a related list button inside your layout?

Happy to help further.

mukesh guptamukesh gupta
Hi Ian,

Are you sure, have you created "Filter_Fields" visualforce page on sanbox?

Please check and let me know if you have any issue.

Ian QuahIan Quah


Yeap, it's anywhere in my related lists



Filter_Fields is not a visualforce page on my sandbox and I don't think I ever created a page called Filter_Fields which means it wasn't an issue before so I'm not sure why it's an issue now :/