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Aurora Ganguly 10Aurora Ganguly 10 

task assignment queries

Hi All, 
here is issue as stated ..

Use Case -
As a account Manager, If I create a task/Event for a particular Account and assigned to me, it automatically shows on my Homepage as an upcoming tasks. The ask is that even Sales Ops(who is Inside Sales for this Account and mapped against this Account Manager), should also be able to see this Task under "My Tasks components" on the Home Page which I created.
Eg. Adam is Account Manager and created a task for Account "XYZ", it's shows under under Adam Task section on Home Page. Now,  Bhanu is Sales Ops mapped to account Manager Adam, even if Adam did not assign this task to Bhanu, Bhanu should also be able to view this Task under his ''My Tasks List'' on his Home Page.

plz reply on this 
Thanks !
Arpit Jain7Arpit Jain7

You can check for below link to assign one task record to multiple users

Let me know for any issues.
