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Marc D BehrMarc D Behr 

Is there any way to see who is connected to the Streaming API?

In reviewing the Limits API, I see that we have 2000 Durable Streaming clients available via the DurableStreamingApiConcurrentClients field. I show that there are currently (and almost always) > 700 in use. I only have one named push topic with one client, so obviously that is not where the 700 are from.
  1. What else could be using these?
  2. Is there any way to see who/what is consuming these connections?
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Marc,

Do you have any app exchange packages installed that might be using it? I know the developer console uses the streaming API. After opening it in my dev org the usage with from 20 remaining to 19 remaining. 
