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Michele ToscanoMichele Toscano 

Missing a )

Where am I missing a )?  My syntax is incorrect when putting this into a Process Builder. 

ISCHANGED([Price_Authorization_Request__c].Billing_Region__c ),
[Price_Authorization_Request__c].RecordType.Name = 'Standard PAR',
([Price_Authorization_Request__c].PAR_Status__c = 'Pending Approval' OR
[Price_Authorization_Request__c].PAR_Status__c = 'In-Progress')
Best Answer chosen by Michele Toscano
Manjul SharmaManjul Sharma
Hi Michele, I would try something like the below with && and ||:

ISCHANGED([Price_Authorization_Request__c].Billing_Region__c ) &&
 [Price_Authorization_Request__c].RecordType.Name = 'Standard PAR' && 
([Price_Authorization_Request__c].PAR_Status__c = 'Pending Approval' ||
[Price_Authorization_Request__c].PAR_Status__c = 'In-Progress')

All Answers

Saravana Muthu 8Saravana Muthu 8
Please use the below formula.

ISCHANGED([Price_Authorization_Request__c].Billing_Region__c ),
[Price_Authorization_Request__c].RecordType.Name = 'Standard PAR',
OR([Price_Authorization_Request__c].PAR_Status__c = 'Pending Approval',
[Price_Authorization_Request__c].PAR_Status__c = 'In-Progress')) 

Please let me know if it helps.

Please don't forget to mark this as solved if it's resolved.

Manjul SharmaManjul Sharma
Hi Michele, I would try something like the below with && and ||:

ISCHANGED([Price_Authorization_Request__c].Billing_Region__c ) &&
 [Price_Authorization_Request__c].RecordType.Name = 'Standard PAR' && 
([Price_Authorization_Request__c].PAR_Status__c = 'Pending Approval' ||
[Price_Authorization_Request__c].PAR_Status__c = 'In-Progress')
This was selected as the best answer