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Rance BestRance Best 

In creating a poll, why is my "Ask" button grayed out? I am trying to complete task in the trailhead

SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Make sure that you have the information on questions as 'Ask' button will be enabled after entering the information in the questions.

Please mark it as solved if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Best Regards

dev dev 133dev dev 133
I had the same issue when I tried posting a poll with options as "Yes" and "No". What I found out is that, if I have the options as "Y" and "N", the "Ask" button will be back to normal. So what I did was, change the options to "Y" and "N", then change back to "Yes" and "No", and I can poll as desired with no problem. Your option test might be different, but maybe try this out, hope this helps.
Sandeepa EpuriSandeepa Epuri
I got same problem . As you mentioned I kept " " but its not working
Aaron CushionAaron Cushion
I discovered i actually had to type the details rather than copy pasting the information over.
Ankur Pathania 17Ankur Pathania 17
Thats right...You need to type at least one character in the options in order to get ask button enabled.