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Deep Clone with parent,child and grand child
Hi All
I have written a class for cloning parent,child and grand child ..(Quote--QuoteLine Item and QuoteLineItem--ProductLineitem).Its working in only on parent and child,not on grand child..
I have written a class for cloning parent,child and grand child ..(Quote--QuoteLine Item and QuoteLineItem--ProductLineitem).Its working in only on parent and child,not on grand child..
public class CloneQuoteLineItems_AC { @AuraEnabled public static String getCloneQuote(String oldId) { system.debug('recordId: ' + oldId); // Initialize setup variables String objectName = 'Quote__c'; String query = 'SELECT'; Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> objectFields = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectName).getDescribe().fields.getMap(); // Grab the fields from the describe method and append them to the queryString one by one. for(String s : objectFields.keySet()) { query += ' ' + s + ','; } if(query.endsWith(',')) query = query.removeEnd(','); // Add FROM statement query += ' FROM ' + objectName; // Add on a WHERE/ORDER/LIMIT statement as needed query += ' WHERE Id = \''+ oldId +'\' LIMIT 1'; system.debug('Final Query: ' + query); Quote__c oldQuote = database.query(query); system.debug(oldQuote); Quote__c newQuote = oldQuote.clone(false, false, false, false); insert newQuote; System.debug('new quote: '+newQuote); List<Quotation_Line_Item__c> qliList = new List<Quotation_Line_Item__c>(); for(Quotation_Line_Item__c qli : [SELECT Id, Product__c, Quote_Name__c, Qutantity__c, Select_Type__c, Size__c, Basic_Unit_Price__c FROM Quotation_Line_Item__c WHERE Quote_Name__c = :oldQuote.Id]) { system.debug('product List = ' + qli); system.debug('new Quote Id = ' + newQuote.Id); Quotation_Line_Item__c newQLI = qli.clone(false, false, false, false); newQLI.Quote_Name__c =; qliList.add(newQLI); } insert(qliList); system.debug('newProdList ' + qliList); List<Quote_Product_Line_Item__c> qpliList = new List<Quote_Product_Line_Item__c>(); for(Quote_Product_Line_Item__c qpli : [SELECT Id, Name, Size__c, Basic_Unit_price__c ,,Quantity__c,Quotation_Line_Item__c, Total_Price__c,Type__c, Quote__c FROM Quote_Product_Line_Item__c WHERE Quote__c= :oldQuote.Id]) { system.debug('product List = ' + qpli); system.debug('new Quote Id = ' + newQuote.Id); Quote_Product_Line_Item__c newQPLI = qpli.clone(false, false, false, false); newQPLI.Quote__c =; qpliList.add(newQPLI); } insert(qpliList); system.debug('newProdList ' + qpliList); return; } }
Please see this post:
I have tried that is not working