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Sarma DuvvuriSarma Duvvuri 

Error while running the batch class


I am not able to run the batch for the below quesry.

i am getting below error messages after modifications also. kindly help.
1. First error: Only variable references are allowed in dynamic SOQL/SOSL.
2. First error: unexpected token: '='
3. IF i mention IN instead of = i got error message like First error: unexpected token: 'IN'
4. First error: expecting a colon, found 'NULLStatus__c'
5.First error: Too many query rows: 50001 (Main Error)

I want to  get all the ACTIVE status customers from orders.

global with sharing class Batch_ProductVolumeTarget_Stats implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
  public class X_Exception extends Exception{}

  global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
    string  strQuery =
      ' select  Id'  +
      ' from     Order__c ' +
      ' where    Customer__C= NULL';
    return Database.getQueryLocator(strQuery);

v varaprasadv varaprasad
Hi Sharma,

Please check once following code, in your query spaces or not there.
string  strQuery =' select  Id'+
      ' from Order__c'+
      ' where Customer__C = NULL';      
list<contact> lstcons =database.query(strQuery);

return Database.getQueryLocator(strQuery);

Hope this helps you!

For Support:
v varaprasadv varaprasad
string  strQuery =' select  Id'+
      ' from Order__c'+
      ' where Customer__C = NULL';      

return Database.getQueryLocator(strQuery);

Sarma DuvvuriSarma Duvvuri
Hi Prasad,

How to get Active Satus records?
