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Nicolás KacowiczNicolás Kacowicz 

Step 9 Data Integration Specialist - The 'projectRef__c' field is not configured correctly as an Indirect Lookup field.

Hello, I've tried everything on this forum but I still can't pass this challenge.
The error is: 
The 'projectRef__c' field is not configured correctly as an Indirect Lookup field.

Here is how I configured the External Object:

User-added image
On some comments it was said to change the name of projectRef to External ID but it didn't work either.

Thanks in advance
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Nicolas,

sorry for this issue you are encountering.

May I suggest you please check with below link from the forums community with a similar discussion and a suggested workaround which might help you further with the above requirement. Hope this will help you with the above issue.

Nicolás KacowiczNicolás Kacowicz
Hi @Nagendra, sadly it didn't work. I had already tried that.

Thanks anyway.
Rename the API name of field projectRef__c  on Project as well as the Invoice from projectRef__c  to ProjectRef__c