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Nathan HobbsNathan Hobbs 

Create a summary field on an Object that counts the number of references for an applicant.

I'm trying to Create a summary field on an Object that counts the number of references for an applicant.  I created an object for candidates but I don't think it is a "master" do i have to create a summary lookup relationship for this to become a master object so that I can create a summary field??
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Best Answer chosen by Nathan Hobbs
Jainam ContractorJainam Contractor
Hi Nathan,

The two objects should be in Master-Detail relationship if you want to create a Roll-Up summary field on the Master Object. in your case the two objects seems to be Candidate and References

Create Candidates relationship field on the Child Object as a Master-Detail relationship field.

And then create a Roll-Up field on the Master object which will summarize the No of References field on the Child object.

Please let me know if it helps you and solves your problem.

Let me know if you need more assistance.

Jainam Contractor,
Salesforce Consultant,
Varasi LLC 

All Answers

You need to create a master-detail relationship to create the roll-up summary field.

Thank you
Jainam ContractorJainam Contractor
Hi Nathan,

The two objects should be in Master-Detail relationship if you want to create a Roll-Up summary field on the Master Object. in your case the two objects seems to be Candidate and References

Create Candidates relationship field on the Child Object as a Master-Detail relationship field.

And then create a Roll-Up field on the Master object which will summarize the No of References field on the Child object.

Please let me know if it helps you and solves your problem.

Let me know if you need more assistance.

Jainam Contractor,
Salesforce Consultant,
Varasi LLC 
This was selected as the best answer
Nathan HobbsNathan Hobbs

I appreciat the feedback.  This unfortunately did not get it done.  I am trying to apply for a job and only have a base understanding of this.  I've managed to set up a custom object and add several custom fields, record types, layouts etc per the sketchy instructions.  The object is Candidate Test and the "test" for the candidate,ie ME, is to be able to navigate this test scenario where I am setting up the object "Candidate Test" which has fields like a number field which allows 1-4 number of references.  The next instruction is to Create a summary field that counts the number of references, name this "Total References".  Next Create a new section on the contact Layour named "Candidate Summary" and add the "total references" to this section. It doesn't say anything about creating a separate object etc to make the summary field.  I know this probably does need to happen I believe that is the test is to show that you know that this has to happen to accomplish that.  When I make the new object called " Child Object" I then go to create the roll up field on teh Master object and it doesn't give me the Field to Aggregate in the drop down for the SUM function.  I obviously did something wrong with the field on the new child object right?
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Nathan HobbsNathan Hobbs
someone please help me, I'm desperate
Nathan HobbsNathan Hobbs
OK, so I've got the child object set up and linked with a master detail field, but when i get to adding the roll-up summary field it gives me th ebelow with no option to select the "TOTAL REFERENCES" field as a summary field to aggregate.

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Jainam ContractorJainam Contractor
Hi Nathan,
You are correct... 2 objects are linked. But you want to count the total no of references. So in that case instead of SUM, you should summarize by COUNT. In that case, it would calculate the no of references object associated with the Candidate Test. Can you please try and let me know if it helps.

Jainam Contractor
Nathan HobbsNathan Hobbs
I think that accomplishes what the recruiter wants, I'll let you know.  This should complete the assessment.  Thanks again for the quick response I really appreciate it.
Nathan HobbsNathan Hobbs
Uggghh just when I thought the last piece was easy.  It asks you to creat a new section on the conact Layout named 'Candidate Summary' and add the 'Total References' field to this section.  The contacts are linked to the records in the application process.  I added the new section to the Contact Layout but the new field 'Total References' is not available to add to that section.  What am I missing?  How do I get that field into that layout??
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