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Tony Mann 9Tony Mann 9 

Have Table only Render in VF Template when Object is Populated


I have code that populates a table from a custom object in my VF email template. I want to have it so the table only shows when their is data in the custom object. Including the header. Code below. 

Is it possible? 


<br><b>Related Family</b></br>   
          <table border="0" >
            <tr >
               <th>Date of Birth</th>
            <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.Related_Guests__r}">
Ayush TripathiAyush Tripathi
Hi Tony
Use  <apex:outputPanel  rendered="{!dataList}"/>
Inside this write your table

dataList will be the list of the records that you will be returning from the controller. So if the list will be empty then the table will not be rendered.