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Tony Mann 9Tony Mann 9 

ISBLANK formula in VF Email Template


I want to write code to populate the following ONLY when populated; 

"Date of Birth: XX/XX/XXXX" 

I am having trouble having the 'Date of Birth:' part render without and error.

My code currently has 'Date of Birth' in the template the entire time.


<apex:outputText value="{0, date, MM-dd-yyyy}"> 
           Date of Birth:<apex:Param value="{!IF(NOT(ISBLANK(relatedTo.Date_of_Birth__c)),relatedTo.Date_of_Birth__c, '')}" />

Ayush TripathiAyush Tripathi
Hi Try the below code
<apex:page Controller="solveQue">
    <apex:outputLabel value="{!IF(NOT(ISBLANK(relatedTo.Date_of_Birth__c)),'Date of Birth:', '')}" />
    <apex:outputText value="{0, date, MM-dd-yyyy}"> 
        <apex:Param value="{!IF(NOT(ISBLANK(relatedTo.Date_of_Birth__c)),relatedTo.Date_of_Birth__c, '')}" />