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Ryan Francis Roque 24Ryan Francis Roque 24 

Salesforce to Cvent webservice call

In my below code, I was able to login and create array of meeting request successfully however I’m getting incorrect method or signature upon calling the final syntax that creating record in Cvent. Please advise and thanks in advance.
String acctNum = 'ACTxxxx';
String username = 'USRxxx';
String password = 'PASSxxxx';
//login to Cvent - Success
CventAPISandboxClass.V200611Soap soap = new CventAPISandboxClass.V200611Soap();
CventAPISandboxClass.LoginResult loginResult = soap.Login(acctNum, username, password);  
CventAPISandboxClass.CventSessionHeader session = new CventAPISandboxClass.CventSessionHeader();
session.CventSessionValue = loginResult.CventSessionHeader;
soap.CventSessionHeader = session;

//Create Meeting Request - Success
list<CventAPISandboxClass.MeetingRequest> Array_MR = new list<CventAPISandboxClass.MeetingRequest>();
CventAPISandboxClass.MeetingRequest MReq = new CventAPISandboxClass.MeetingRequest();
MReq.Formid = 'testFormid';
MReq.FormName = 'testFormName';

//General Syntax to create record in cvent. - Failed with error incorrect method or signature
CreateMeetingRequestResultArray = CventAPISandboxClass.CreateMeetingRequest(Array_MR);