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Vamshi Krishna
Issue with mapping the fields when there is an apex webservice xml response
Apex call out has an xml response.How can I map the fields in Salesforce to the response I receieved. I could map the fields like clean etc. But how could I map fields like make,model, year relatively.
Assume the fields are : Make__c ,Model__c etc.... Considering the XML response.
Apex callout:
*<Year>2011</Year> <Make>Chevrolet</Make> <Model>Suburban</Model>
to the fields in salesforce.
Assume the fields are : Make__c ,Model__c etc.... Considering the XML response.
XML response is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result> <vin>xxxxxxxxxxx</vin> <id>xxxxxxxxxxx</id> <date>2018-02-08 05:02:15 PST</date> <specs> <VIN /> *<Year>2011</Year> <Make>Chevrolet</Make> <Model>Suburban</Model>* <Trim>LS 1500</Trim></specs><clean>0</clean> <success>1</success> <error /> </result>
Apex callout:
public PageReference doVinExtract() { HttpRequest httpRequest = new HttpRequest(); httpRequest.setEndpoint('https:/VinProviderxxxx.php'); String body = 'id=01123999999198&key=xxxxxxx&vin=1GNSKHE34BRxxxxxxx&mode=test&user=vxxxxxx&pass=slll4250&format=xml'; httpRequest.setBody(body); httpRequest.setMethod('GET'); Http htt = new hTTP(); HttpResponse httpRe = htt.send(httpRequest); system.debug(httpRe.geTbody()); String re = httpRe.geTbody(); Dom.Document doc = httpRe.getBodyDocument(); Dom.XMLNode address = doc.getRootElement(); String vinDate= address.getChildElement('date', null).getText(); String state = address.getChildElement('specs', null).getText(); // print out specific elements System.debug('address: ' + address); System.debug('state: ' + state); system.debug('result'+re); for(Dom.XMLNode child : address.getChildElements()) { if(child.getName() == 'specs'){ System.debug('******'+child.getText()); } }I was struck and could not map these three fields:
*<Year>2011</Year> <Make>Chevrolet</Make> <Model>Suburban</Model>
to the fields in salesforce.
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