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Convert 1, 0 to yes


I have a formula number field where if both fields "Has_DULO_A__c" and "Has_DULO_B__c" have a Yes, output a 1. 

If both of those fields have a NO or Yes/No, output a 0.

How can I convert the 1 to be a YES and the 0 to be a NO, without creating a workflow trigger? Is it possible to create a new field that will hold the YES NO values, with just a formula field? If so, can someone help me figuring it out? 

Has_DULO_A__c = "Yes", 
Has_DULO_B__c = "Yes" 
), 1, 0)

Best Answer chosen by HNT_Neo
Jainam ContractorJainam Contractor

Do you want to create one more field that will convert 1 to YES and 0 to NO.?

If you want to create a new field. Follow the below steps:

1 Create a New Formula Field of type Text
2. Give a Name to the field. For eg: ConvertNum2Text
3. Formula: ConvertNum2Text__c = IF( Your_Field_API_Name__c = 1, 'YES', 'NO')

Change Your_Field_API_Name__c to your Actual field API name in the Formula.

Please let me know if it works or if you need any more assistance.

Mark this as the solution if it solved your purpose.

Jainam Contractor,
Salesforce Consultant
Varasi LLC