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Chuck M RohllfChuck M Rohllf 

Conditional Finish location for Visual Flow

I currently have a Visual Flow that is launched by a Custom Button:


The button calls on a custom VF Page where the finish location is set - it brings the user back to the Account where the button was clicked from:
<apex:page showHeader="False" sidebar="False">
  <flow:interview name="NB_Note_Flow" finishLocation="/{!$CurrentPage.parameters.VarAccountId}">
  <body onload="moveTo(0,0); resizeTo(900,400);">

Everything currently works as originally intended.  What I'd like to do is keep the current finish location as a default, but add an additional finish location if a record is created (in a custom object) through the flow.  This record can be referenced by a variable in the flow, {!DealerProspectVar}.  Is this something that can be done?  Any help is greatly appreciated!

Chuck M RohllfChuck M Rohllf
I've seen similar questions in these forums, but can't find anything pertaining to conditional finish locations.  Any guidance will be huge!  Thanks!