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Variable does not exist: Integer

Im trying to create some simple counters. It is going to be more filtered down then this but im getting an error on the 3 and 9 line Variable does not exist: Integer. I think im missing something out because im sure that ive written something similar many moons ago.
public class StatusCheck {
    public Integer getCaseCounter(){
    	return (Integer) = [SELECT count()
                          	FROM Case
                          	WHERE Type =: 'Install'
    public Integer getOppCounter(){				
    	return (Integer) = [SELECT count()
                          	FROM Opportunity
                          	WHERE Type =: 'New Business'


Best Answer chosen by JoshTonks
Alain CabonAlain Cabon
public class StatusCheck {
    public Integer getCaseCounter(){
    	return  [SELECT count()
                          	FROM Case
                          	WHERE Type = 'Install'
    public Integer getOppCounter(){				
    	return  [SELECT count()
                          	FROM Opportunity
                          	WHERE Type = 'New Business'


All Answers

Alain CabonAlain Cabon
public class StatusCheck {
    public Integer getCaseCounter(){
    	return  [SELECT count()
                          	FROM Case
                          	WHERE Type = 'Install'
    public Integer getOppCounter(){				
    	return  [SELECT count()
                          	FROM Opportunity
                          	WHERE Type = 'New Business'

This was selected as the best answer
Thanks Alain thats fixed it.