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Rene Englert
Mass Lead Conversion Error
When I try to create a new account using mass convert lead button, I get an error
Error in expression '{!convertLeads}' in component in page massleadconverter: Class.MassLeadConverterController.convertLeads.
We don't use the rating field. How can I fix this?
Error in expression '{!convertLeads}' in component in page massleadconverter: Class.MassLeadConverterController.convertLeads.
We don't use the rating field. How can I fix this?
Please provide the code of massleadconverter and MassLeadConverterController. It will be easy to help you.
Thanks for the help.
public with sharing class MassLeadConverterController {
public List<Lead> selectedItems{get;set;}
public Lead lc{get;set;}
public Task leadTask{get;set;}
public Contact con{get;set;}
public Account acc{get;set;}
public Boolean sendEmailBox {get;set;}
public String accountName {get;set;}
public String opportunityName {get;set;}
public Boolean isEditable {get;set;}
public String oppOption {get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> oppOptions {get;set;}
public String taskOption {get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> taskOptions {get;set;}
public String accOption {get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> accOptions {get;set;}
public String errorMessages {get;set;}
List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr;
public MassLeadConverterController(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
selectedItems = controller.getSelected();
lc = new Lead();
leadTask = new Task();
con = new Contact();
sendEmailBox = false;
opportunityName = '';
acc = new Account();
con.AccountId = acc.Id;
errorMessages = '';
oppOption = 'Do not create new opportunity';
taskOption = 'Combine all leads into a single task';
accOption = 'Create new account';
oppOptions = new List<SelectOption>();
oppOptions.add(new SelectOption('Do not create new opportunity', 'Do not create new opportunity'));
oppOptions.add(new SelectOption('Combine all leads into a single opportunity','Combine all leads into a single opportunity'));
oppOptions.add(new SelectOption('Create an opportunity for each lead', 'Create an opportunity for each lead'));
taskOptions = new List<SelectOption>();
taskOptions.add(new SelectOption ('Combine all leads into a single task','Combine all leads into a single task'));
taskOptions.add(new SelectOption ('Create a task for each lead', 'Create a task for each lead'));
accOptions = new List<SelectOption>();
accOptions.add(new SelectOption('Create new account', 'Create new account'));
accOptions.add(new SelectOption('Add to existing account','Add to existing account'));
if (selectedItems.size() <= 0)
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, 'Please select at least one lead to convert.'));
isEditable = false;
else if (selectedItems.size() > 100)
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, 'Please select fewer than 100 leads to convert.'));
isEditable = false;
isEditable = true;
accountName = selectedItems[0].Company;
opportunityName = accountName;
User usr = [select Id from User where Id=:selectedItems[0].OwnerId];
acc.OwnerId = selectedItems[0].OwnerId;
catch (Exception ex)
acc.OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
public PageReference convertLeads()
Database.LeadConvert ltc = new database.LeadConvert();
LeadStatus convertStatus = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted=true limit 1];
List<Database.LeadConvert> leadsToConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
if (accOption == 'Create new account')
//gather information from first lead and create new account
Account acc1 = new Account();
acc1.Name = accountName;
acc1.Phone = selectedItems[0].Phone;
acc1.BillingCity = selectedItems[0].City;
acc1.BillingCountry = selectedItems[0].Country;
acc1.BillingPostalCode = selectedItems[0].PostalCode;
acc1.BillingState = selectedItems[0].State;
acc1.BillingStreet = selectedItems[0].Street;
acc1.Fax = selectedItems[0].Fax;
acc1.Rating = selectedItems[0].Rating;
acc1.NumberOfEmployees = selectedItems[0].NumberOfEmployees;
acc1.Website = selectedItems[0].Website;
if (acc.OwnerId != null)
acc1.OwnerId = acc.OwnerId;
insert acc1;
con.AccountId = acc1.Id;
for (Lead myLead : selectedItems)
ltc = new database.Leadconvert();
if (oppOption == 'Do not create new opportunity')
else if (oppOption == 'Combine all leads into a single opportunity')
oppOption = 'Do not create new opportunity';
else if (oppOption == 'Create an opportunity for each lead')
if (acc.OwnerId != null)
lcr = Database.convertLead(leadsToConvert);
Task newTask = new Task();
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
if (taskOption == 'Combine all leads into a single task')
newTask = new Task();
newTask.WhoId = lcr[0].getContactId();
newTask.ActivityDate = leadTask.ActivityDate;
newTask.Subject = leadTask.Subject;
newTask.Status = leadTask.Status;
newTask.Description = leadTask.Description;
newTask.Priority = leadTask.Priority;
newTask.ReminderDateTime = leadTask.ReminderDateTime;
newTask.isReminderSet = leadTask.isReminderSet;
for (Database.LeadConvertResult res : lcr)
if (res.isSuccess())
newTask = new Task();
newTask.WhoId = res.getContactId();
newTask.ActivityDate = leadTask.ActivityDate;
newTask.Subject = leadTask.Subject;
newTask.Status = leadTask.Status;
newTask.Description = leadTask.Description;
newTask.Priority = leadTask.Priority;
newTask.ReminderDateTime = leadTask.ReminderDateTime;
newTask.isReminderSet = leadTask.isReminderSet;
insert tasks;
return new PageReference('/' + lcr[0].getContactId());
catch(Exception ex)
errorMessages += ex.getMessage();
if (errorMessages.contains('RECORD_IN_USE_BY_WORKFLOW'))
String[] findRow = errorMessages.split('row ');
String[] findRowNum = findRow[1].split(';');
Integer i = Integer.valueOf(findRowNum[0]);
errorMessages += '\n Cannot convert the following lead: ' + selectedItems[i].FirstName + ' ' +
selectedItems[i].LastName + ' with Id ' + selectedItems[i].Id;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, errorMessages));
return null;
public PageReference cancel()
String retUrl = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('retUrl');
if (retUrl == '')
return new PageReference('/');
return new PageReference(retUrl);
public with sharing class MassLeadConverterController {
public List<Lead> selectedItems{get;set;}
public Lead lc{get;set;}
public Task leadTask{get;set;}
public Contact con{get;set;}
public Account acc{get;set;}
public Boolean sendEmailBox {get;set;}
public String accountName {get;set;}
public String opportunityName {get;set;}
public Boolean isEditable {get;set;}
public String oppOption {get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> oppOptions {get;set;}
public String taskOption {get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> taskOptions {get;set;}
public String accOption {get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> accOptions {get;set;}
public String errorMessages {get;set;}
List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr;
public MassLeadConverterController(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {
selectedItems = controller.getSelected();
lc = new Lead();
leadTask = new Task();
con = new Contact();
sendEmailBox = false;
opportunityName = '';
acc = new Account();
con.AccountId = acc.Id;
errorMessages = '';
oppOption = 'Do not create new opportunity';
taskOption = 'Combine all leads into a single task';
accOption = 'Create new account';
oppOptions = new List<SelectOption>();
oppOptions.add(new SelectOption('Do not create new opportunity', 'Do not create new opportunity'));
oppOptions.add(new SelectOption('Combine all leads into a single opportunity','Combine all leads into a single opportunity'));
oppOptions.add(new SelectOption('Create an opportunity for each lead', 'Create an opportunity for each lead'));
taskOptions = new List<SelectOption>();
taskOptions.add(new SelectOption ('Combine all leads into a single task','Combine all leads into a single task'));
taskOptions.add(new SelectOption ('Create a task for each lead', 'Create a task for each lead'));
accOptions = new List<SelectOption>();
accOptions.add(new SelectOption('Create new account', 'Create new account'));
accOptions.add(new SelectOption('Add to existing account','Add to existing account'));
if (selectedItems.size() <= 0)
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, 'Please select at least one lead to convert.'));
isEditable = false;
else if (selectedItems.size() > 100)
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, 'Please select fewer than 100 leads to convert.'));
isEditable = false;
isEditable = true;
accountName = selectedItems[0].Company;
opportunityName = accountName;
User usr = [select Id from User where Id=:selectedItems[0].OwnerId];
acc.OwnerId = selectedItems[0].OwnerId;
catch (Exception ex)
acc.OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
public PageReference convertLeads()
Database.LeadConvert ltc = new database.LeadConvert();
LeadStatus convertStatus = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted=true limit 1];
List<Database.LeadConvert> leadsToConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
if (accOption == 'Create new account')
//gather information from first lead and create new account
Account acc1 = new Account();
acc1.Name = accountName;
acc1.Phone = selectedItems[0].Phone;
acc1.BillingCity = selectedItems[0].City;
acc1.BillingCountry = selectedItems[0].Country;
acc1.BillingPostalCode = selectedItems[0].PostalCode;
acc1.BillingState = selectedItems[0].State;
acc1.BillingStreet = selectedItems[0].Street;
acc1.Fax = selectedItems[0].Fax;
acc1.Rating = selectedItems[0].Rating;
acc1.NumberOfEmployees = selectedItems[0].NumberOfEmployees;
acc1.Website = selectedItems[0].Website;
if (acc.OwnerId != null)
acc1.OwnerId = acc.OwnerId;
insert acc1;
con.AccountId = acc1.Id;
for (Lead myLead : selectedItems)
ltc = new database.Leadconvert();
if (oppOption == 'Do not create new opportunity')
else if (oppOption == 'Combine all leads into a single opportunity')
oppOption = 'Do not create new opportunity';
else if (oppOption == 'Create an opportunity for each lead')
if (acc.OwnerId != null)
lcr = Database.convertLead(leadsToConvert);
Task newTask = new Task();
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
if (taskOption == 'Combine all leads into a single task')
newTask = new Task();
newTask.WhoId = lcr[0].getContactId();
newTask.ActivityDate = leadTask.ActivityDate;
newTask.Subject = leadTask.Subject;
newTask.Status = leadTask.Status;
newTask.Description = leadTask.Description;
newTask.Priority = leadTask.Priority;
newTask.ReminderDateTime = leadTask.ReminderDateTime;
newTask.isReminderSet = leadTask.isReminderSet;
for (Database.LeadConvertResult res : lcr)
if (res.isSuccess())
newTask = new Task();
newTask.WhoId = res.getContactId();
newTask.ActivityDate = leadTask.ActivityDate;
newTask.Subject = leadTask.Subject;
newTask.Status = leadTask.Status;
newTask.Description = leadTask.Description;
newTask.Priority = leadTask.Priority;
newTask.ReminderDateTime = leadTask.ReminderDateTime;
newTask.isReminderSet = leadTask.isReminderSet;
insert tasks;
return new PageReference('/' + lcr[0].getContactId());
catch(Exception ex)
errorMessages += ex.getMessage();
if (errorMessages.contains('RECORD_IN_USE_BY_WORKFLOW'))
String[] findRow = errorMessages.split('row ');
String[] findRowNum = findRow[1].split(';');
Integer i = Integer.valueOf(findRowNum[0]);
errorMessages += '\n Cannot convert the following lead: ' + selectedItems[i].FirstName + ' ' +
selectedItems[i].LastName + ' with Id ' + selectedItems[i].Id;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, errorMessages));
return null;
public PageReference cancel()
String retUrl = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('retUrl');
if (retUrl == '')
return new PageReference('/');
return new PageReference(retUrl);