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Jean Grey 10Jean Grey 10 

Nested SOQL query to get both campaign and opportunity data from contact records

I am trying to build a query to help with buyer-journey reporting. I am trying to do this with only SOQL, not Apex. I think I might be querying the wrong object but I'm not sure how to build this query to give me everything I need.

Here is my query: 

SELECT Id,FirstRespondedDate,Campaign.Name,Status,Date_Responded__c,CreatedDate,ContactId FROM CampaignMember WHERE CampaignId IN (SELECT CampaignId FROM Opportunity WHERE StageName = 'Closed–Won' AND CloseDate = THIS_YEAR) AND ContactId IN (SELECT ContactId FROM OpportunityContactRole)

This works and gives me almost everything I need, but I need to return CloseDate in addition to these other fields. Is this possible? Do I need to flip this and query the Contact object instead, using nested queries to grab both campaign member and opportunity fields?
Best Answer chosen by Jean Grey 10

Hi Jean,

You may use like following. 

List<campaign> campList = new List<campaign>(); will store the query result.

for(campaign camp : campList){
	for(Opportunity opp: camp.Opportunities){
		//some Logic or to capture values.
	for(CampaignMember cMem : camp.CampaignMembers){
		//some Logic or to capture values.
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Hi Jean,

Query can be modified like this to have desired results but not as a data load but can be used in Apex: 
select id, name, (select id,FirstRespondedDate,Status,CreatedDate,ContactId from CampaignMembers where ContactId IN (SELECT ContactId FROM OpportunityContactRole)),(select id,name,closeDate from Opportunities) from campaign where Id in (SELECT CampaignId FROM Opportunity WHERE StageName = 'Closed Won' AND CloseDate = THIS_YEAR)
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Jean Grey 10Jean Grey 10
Can you explain how you would use this in Apex?

Hi Jean,

You may use like following. 

List<campaign> campList = new List<campaign>(); will store the query result.

for(campaign camp : campList){
	for(Opportunity opp: camp.Opportunities){
		//some Logic or to capture values.
	for(CampaignMember cMem : camp.CampaignMembers){
		//some Logic or to capture values.
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