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fred flores 20fred flores 20 

sfdx force:source:push

Key words: sfdx force (Trailhead DX) 
When I use the following command "sfdx force:source:push"
the returned value is Error after push less sfdx force AccountLocator
the reference lesson is: Need help to resolve the file definition for and AccountLocator.cmp. Can't move onto the next lesson since I am using the geolocation code as the parent (project).

Thanks Fred Flores
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Run this commands .. You forgot to create AccountLocator component in scratch org . 

1 . sfdx force:apex:class:create -n AccountController -d force-app/main/default/classes

2 . sfdx force:lightning:component:create -n AccountLocator -d force-app/main/default/aura

The code is available in the trailhead

3 . sfdx force:source:push
fred flores 20fred flores 20
Raj V thanks for the feedback on the CLI commands. I did run the commands and local code were run successfully. The problem I see is   
The local command when run "sfdx force:source:push" fails based on lack of defaultusername.
String of commands tested to try to resolve defaultuser

I know I am mixing problems but here are the stuck points:
1. Can't seem to add a password to scratch org.
2. Can't seem to set the defaultusername. 

What did I miss? if you know if articles or specific fixes I am very interested. The recently published DX guide is vague on the two points I found.

Thanks Fred
fred flores 20fred flores 20

Raj V  I will see if I can get a scratch org to come to life. If so, I will repeat the instructions as requested and feedback.


Fred Flores

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Cool! Mark it as closed if its solved your problem 
fred flores 20fred flores 20

Raj V new question, I need a scratch org to finish the lesson but when I try to generate a new scratch org the system does not respond. The link I have to generate the scratch org is: . I have tried this twice. What I see "Almost there". Still in same state for more then 20 minutes?

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
i am also facing the same issue now .. 
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
i got an email .. but it took a little while than normal time
fred flores 20fred flores 20
Raj V I did find the following solution to my problem. The following reference
A person named brahmaji tammana provided the solution. I did not realize you need to set up a developer hub to make the DX process work. Once I set up the developer hub the process worked. I will indicate this question as resolved now that I have a repeatable solution. This new solution ties directly back to the sfdx_dx_developer_guide_winter_18. Based on the step by step indicated in this guide. Appreciate your support.