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Jon Turner 8Jon Turner 8 

sandbox password

I am attempting to install an app in completing a training module.  Installing the app requires my user name and password.  Don't know the current password (regular SFDC password doesn't work).  Can't reset the password with knowing my training entity city of birth.  So, without this information, I can't complete the training module.
fred flores 20fred flores 20
Jon, when installing an app you need to change the login to " (so the system installs into your sandbox. By making this change the system will allow you to use your existing sandbox user/password. The system normally defaults to " which would be a production org. 

Please also note the system response that you get from Salesforce has changed (email response). There is a link that the system wants you to confirm your email account first, then you get the questions so you can answer the questions like "the place of birth" etc. Hope this helps.

Fred Flores
Salesforce Project Manager 
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Please follow below steps.
1.Log into trailhead.
2.Create new trailhead playground, select it and click "Launch your hands on org"
3.Refer below link and get trailhead playground username and password.
4.Log into App Exchange from another browser or copy paste the download link in an incognito window.
5.Install in production by providing trailhead playground credentials.
6.Click on "Launch" and check in trailhead playground if App is installed and then check for challenge.
Please mark it as solved if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Best Regards,
Jon Turner 8Jon Turner 8
Thanks, but no this does not work. If I go to the link you provided, it brings up instructions to discover your username and to reset the password. (which I’ve already tried to do) But when the site sends an email confirmation to reset the password, the link in that email takes you to a box to enter a new password, but only after you enter your existing password, which as I mentioned I do not know, and it isn’t my existing SFDC password.
Jon Turner 8Jon Turner 8
I am already in a test environment, the Trailhead. Your information seems to conflict with the Trailhead instructions on installing an app. I simply need a way to find out what my Trailhead password is, or be able to establish a new password without knowing my current one.
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Reach with your playground username asking for password resest link so that they can send you password reset link.

Best Regards,