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Peter Boelke
How to use Quick action for export?
i need a quick action button to export contact data as csv. I have created a visualforce page which is related to a quick action button. But it doesnt really work proper.
In Classis it shows the cvs-data on the page. In Lightning is just start the download of the file. I want to start the download only if the quick action button is clicked. How can i achiev this?
Thanks for advice
i need a quick action button to export contact data as csv. I have created a visualforce page which is related to a quick action button. But it doesnt really work proper.
In Classis it shows the cvs-data on the page. In Lightning is just start the download of the file. I want to start the download only if the quick action button is clicked. How can i achiev this?
<apex:page standardController="Task" extensions="CtrlContactExport" contenttype="application/">RNAME1;RNAME2;RSTREET;RHHOUSENO;RPOSTAL;RCOUNTRY;RPHONE;REMAIL <apex:repeat value="{!list_contacts}" var="c" > "{!c.Name}";"{!c.Salutation}";"{!c.MailingStreet}";"{!c.MailingStreet}";"{!c.MailingPostalCode}";"{!c.MailingCountry}";"{!c.Phone}";"{!c.Email}" </apex:repeat> </apex:page>Controller
public class CtrlContactExport { public list<Contact> list_contacts {get;set;} public CtrlContactExport (ApexPages.StandardController controller){ exportContacts(); } public Pagereference exportContacts(){ list_contacts = [SELECT Name, Salutation, MailingStreet, MailingPostalCode, MailingCity, MailingCountry, Phone, Email FROM Contact]; return new Pagereference(''); } }
Thanks for advice
This is a blog post for export data in lightning on button click.
you can create your excel file by directly calling <aura:handler init
and use this component on quick action button.