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Jyotsna PuripandaJyotsna Puripanda 

''Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Could not find a button name 'Google_Info' on a Contact page layout.'' I am getting this error even the functionality is working as given.Find the root cause for this,it's blocking me to get the badge

User-added imageDetail Page button with stated LabelAssigned to stated Contact LayoutExpected FunctionalityNavigating to Google by clicking  on the button
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Jyotsna,

NOTE :- you  need to make Google info as a button not link.

Please check below post with step by step process with screen shot

To clear this challange you need do below steps:-

Step 1 :- Create a Button on contact object like below 
Step 2 :- Link detail should be like below.

Name :- Google_Info
Button or Link URL :-{!Contact.Name}
Display Type :- Detail Page Button

Step 3 :- Add the button on contact page layout. Please select "Contact Layout"
Step 4 :- Then click on Edit and add button on the page.
Step 5 : - Save.

Please check below post for the screenshot.

Please let us know if this will help you.

Jyotsna PuripandaJyotsna Puripanda
?Thanks for your response...I created the Google Info as button only not link...Hope you can understand by going through the attached screenshots.Please go around through the error part and kindly give valid response. Regards Jyotsna Puripanda Roche Diagnostics +91-7842701358
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Hi Jyotsna,

Please make sure you added the button on Default page layout for System Admin ?
Please check all page layout of contact object and add button on all page layout.
Jyotsna PuripandaJyotsna Puripanda
Hi Amit, Yeah I am sure that I added the button on the default Contact Layout for System Admin and to be specific? I am able to see that in the Layout in Lightning as well as Classic experience. And even when I clicked on Google Info button I am able to navigate to the Google page which is searching for the Contact Name. Hope this explanation helps you to find my issue. Regards Jyotsna Puripanda Roche Diagnostics +91-7842701358
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Hi Jyotsna Puripanda,

Look like you enable the name space in your org "HM_Package". That may be one of the issue. Can please try to create one new Playground and try in that org ?
Keith JinKeith Jin
I have run into the same issue.  I tried creating a new playground in case the error was due to something 'dirty' in the playground I first used.

But I am still getting the same error.  I added the button to every contact page layout on the system.  Tried both 'Google Info' and 'Google_Info' for the name.   I can see the button and the button works but the challege won't verify.
Jyotsna PuripandaJyotsna Puripanda
Yeah Keth...I don't understand what's going wrong in this. I tried in so many ways but still getting the same error which became a blocker to achieve the badge.. Regards Jyotsna Puripanda Roche Diagnostics +91-7842701358
Jeff Bell 7Jeff Bell 7
Hello, any updates?  I am having the same issue.   Mine is slightly different, the "Google Info" button is automatically added to all the layouts in my org for contact.  I have Contact Layout, Contact (Support) Layout, Contact (Sales) Layout, and Contact (Marketing) Layout).  I do not see the link in the drop down.  I created a new org (Trailhead) and have the same issue.

Please see screen shots:

User-added image

User-added image
Nitish BajajNitish Bajaj
    I had to create a new playground for a different error. In the new playground i started getting the same here. Now this is what I have observed:

When I try removing the Google Info Button from the Contact Page Layout, I can physically remove it but it still keeps showing the refrence. I also tried deleting the Google_Info button but in vain. It keeps showing reference to the Contact Layout Page. I tried placing the button on the layout and also removing it, but no change in result.

Finally for completing the challenge I again get the same error:

hallenge not yet complete in Original Trailhead Playground
Could not find a button name 'Google_Info' on a Contact page layout.
keshav chhipakeshav chhipa
Hello Guys,

It is working fine from my side.

I used new org which doesn't have namespace registered.
please check it out below screenshots.

User-added imageUser-added image
Hii Jyotsna Puripanda

Launch the My Trailhead Playground2 than try it will work . I have been faced same problem
Anvitha BAnvitha B
Hi Jyotsna..inorder to clear this challenge
1. you have to create Button on contact object in the name google info
2. you have to select detail page button
3. select url option and paste the url -{!Contact.Name} in the box below., and then save
4. go to pagelayout and select button option..there u can see google info u can easily drag and paste in the contact layout
5. click save. and your challenge get completed..all the best