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SOAP API Login Authentication?

Hi,  i see mixed answers all over the web regarding what is required for a SOAP Login authentication.  Some answers are Username and password and Security Token while others are saying Username and Password and Organization Id.

I think I am getting it as username and password are the only thing required and security token is optional depending on network ip settings
For communities it would be username and password and Organization id.

Can someon help me understand what is exactly required?
Abdul KhatriAbdul Khatri
It is always Username, Password + SecurityToken. The following article will explain you everything.
Abdul KhatriAbdul Khatri
Was this helpful?
I read it as Sec Token is optional if you setup the clients ip in the orgs trusted ip addresses.  Somewhere else I read that if it is community site then you need to include the Org ID.  The reason I am asking is this questions or close to it was on the exam and I just feel it was an extremely tricky open ended questions.
Andy PutraAndy Putra
Based on this ( article, you need to specify the Organization ID. So in this case (Community login auth), the answer is Username and Password and Organization Id

David HarborDavid Harbor
Thanks a lot for information, but if you need any details about Technology Strategy Consulting check this blog