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Derek Patrick DayaDerek Patrick Daya 

Pagination on form Visualforce Page

Hi all,

I have created a VF page with a form that allow users to create a record in Salesforce, it 100% working but I've received couple of feedbacks from my users that the form is too long.

To make it short I need to divide the form into different pages but what I wanted to know is if its possible for me to use pagination on the form. 

Any ideas are welcome on how to make a form short without having to create multiple Visualforce pages as I am not sure how would that work without losing the values inputted from the previous page.

Thank you!

Best Answer chosen by Derek Patrick Daya
arpit vijayvergiyaarpit vijayvergiya

You can convert your page to a wizard. Here is an example of how to create a wizard in salesforce. 

Hope it will help you.

All Answers

SFDC RohitSFDC Rohit
Yes, you can use pagination to divided the records in chunks and display in the form.
Below are the links for pagination:-
arpit vijayvergiyaarpit vijayvergiya

You can convert your page to a wizard. Here is an example of how to create a wizard in salesforce. 

Hope it will help you.
This was selected as the best answer
Derek Patrick DayaDerek Patrick Daya

Hi Rojit,

Thank you for the suggestion but it's not what I am looking for. Good article though!


Hi Arpit,

The article you've given is on point! Thank you!