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Jingli Hu 3Jingli Hu 3 

Can not find field rule in visual flow

I am trying to use the " Dynamically Update Flow Screen Fields " feature which was deliveried in spring 17. but I cannot field rule in my visual flow at all. the sandbox is in spring 18 release. any ideas?
Tiago Armando CoelhoTiago Armando Coelho
Hi Jingli, 

Can you please identify the Object and field?

Kind regards
Jingli Hu 3Jingli Hu 3
This is not for workflow, it is for visual flow. I am trying to have two fields in the same screen, only when some value in the first field be selected then show the second field.
Tiago Armando CoelhoTiago Armando Coelho
Hi Jingli

So if I understand well you request what you want is to hide \ show a field based on other field selection?

Kind regards

Jingli Hu 3Jingli Hu 3
Yes. That is correct.
Michal BaranecMichal Baranec

In a visual flow input screen I need to gather certain inputs based on the asset type (I need to gather inputs for fields 1, 2, 3 for Asset Type = X but just fields 2 and 3 for Asset Type = Y). We do not seem to be able to achieve this via decision step and more input screens because of the Salesforce limitation that we can't reuse the screen input elements. 

I found there was this Field Rule pilot released in Spring '17 but I'm not able to find it anywhere in my org even if I enabled LEX runtime for flows.

Is the feature available or it didn't make it through?