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Change code to bulkified
I have a helper class code which is working as expected need your suggestion in making this bulkified. Please suggest the code change with logic
I have a helper class code which is working as expected need your suggestion in making this bulkified. Please suggest the code change with logic
public static void processOptySharingOppTeam(List<Opportunity> newLst) { List<id> actIds = new List<id>(); List<id> paractIds = new List<id>(); List<id> OpptIds = new List<id>(); map<id,Opportunity_Sharing__c> oppshare = new map<id,Opportunity_Sharing__c>([select id, Account_Names__c, Key_Text__c, Partner_Account_Names__c,User__c,Access_Level__c,Global_Account_Rep__c,, from Opportunity_Sharing__c]); List<OpportunityTeamMember> Otmlst = new List<OpportunityTeamMember>(); String TopActID; String TopPartActId; for(Opportunity opp : newLst) { OpptIds.add(; actIds.add(opp.AccountID); paractIds.add(opp.partner_account__c); } if(!actIds.isempty()){ TopActID = GetTopLevleElement(actIds[0]); } if(!paractIds.isempty()){ TopPartActId = GetTopLevleElement(paractIds[0]); } system.debug('TopActID :' + TopActID); system.debug('TopPartActId :' + TopPartActId); for(Opportunity_Sharing__c rec : oppshare.values()){ if(TopActID <> null && TopActID =={ system.debug('Found Account Id ' + ); if( rec.User__c != null & rec.Access_Level__c != null ){ OpportunityTeamMember otm = new OpportunityTeamMember(OpportunityId = OpptIds[0],UserId=rec.User__c,OpportunityAccessLevel=rec.Access_Level__c ,TeamMemberRole=rec.Global_Account_Rep__c ); Otmlst.add(otm); } } if(TopPartActId <> null && TopPartActId =={ system.debug('Found Partner Account Id ' + ); if( rec.User__c != null & rec.Access_Level__c != null ){ OpportunityTeamMember otm = new OpportunityTeamMember(OpportunityId = OpptIds[0],UserId=rec.User__c,OpportunityAccessLevel=rec.Access_Level__c ,TeamMemberRole=rec.Global_Account_Rep__c ); Otmlst.add(otm); } } } if(!Otmlst.Isempty()){ insert Otmlst; } } public static String GetTopLevleElement(Id objId ){ Boolean topLevelParent = false; if( objId <> null){ while ( !topLevelParent ) { Account a = [ Select Id, ParentId From Account where Id = :objId limit 1 ]; if ( a.ParentID != null ) { objId = a.ParentID; } else { topLevelParent = true; } } } return objId ; }
It looks like the method is made to trace and find the top level parent Account, so we'll have to think of a way to replace this method.