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Daley HuangDaley Huang 

How to avoid overwrite specific fields when upsert recode?

LastName and Company fields no nulls allowed, but I not want to overwrite if the recode is existing when upsert data, how to handle it?

list<Lead> objLead = new List<Lead>();
for (Integer i = 0; i < OpenIDList.size(); i++)
                New Lead(
                    LastName = 'LName',
                    company = 'Company A',
                    OpenID__c = '000001',


        try {
            upsert objLead OpenID__c;
        } catch (DmlException e) {

Check for Null/black before assigning the value to your fields.
 For example : -

if(!(ObjName.fieldName != null && String.isNotBlank(String.valueOf(ObjName.fieldName))){
     //assign the values here