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teena jacobteena jacob 

pass attribute vale set in one component to another component in salesforce lightning

I have a popup in one lightning component which has a text field, the value entered in that field should need to pass to another lightning component so that I can perform the action based on the value in the 2nd component.
Best Answer chosen by teena jacob
If two component has
1. parent-child relation then you use Attributes or Methods
2. child-parent relation then you use Component  Events 

If two component doesn't have any relations 
1.  then you use Application Events 

All Answers

If two component has
1. parent-child relation then you use Attributes or Methods
2. child-parent relation then you use Component  Events 

If two component doesn't have any relations 
1.  then you use Application Events 
This was selected as the best answer
teena jacobteena jacob