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Brittni HenryBrittni Henry 

Final Challenge in Module Lightning Experience Reports and Dashboard: Error "could not find dashboard with name "Lightning Adoption Dashboard-Lightning"


I am wondering if anyone can assist me with correcting this error message I am receiving. I believe there could be a system issue as I have had an experienced Admin take a look and he too could not resolve this issue.

In the final challenge in the module: Lightning Experience Reports and Dashboards. I have installed the packet (Lightning Adoption Tracker) per instruction and saved the modified Dashboard as Lighning Adoption Dashboard-Lightning in my Trailhead Playground.  However when i go to check the challenge, i am receiving the error: could not find dashboard with name "Lightning Adoption Dashboard-Lightning"

It is clearly saved in my Dashboards so I don't understand why the challenge is not locating it. I have double checked to ensure i am in the correct Playground and saved exactly how the title instructs.

Please help! THANK YOU
Best Answer chosen by Brittni Henry
Brittni HenryBrittni Henry
ahhh i figure out the problem.....the installed packet was downloading in a separate playground under my email address which i had NOT used at all so i'm not sure how this could have happened. I think if all my training had been under one playground, this would not be an issue.  Hopefully others don't run into this same problem.

All Answers

SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Make sure to refresh the dasboard and also chang the title of the "Can't Use Lightning Users by Profile" to "# Users That Can't Use Lightning by Profile".
Save and refresh.

Refer below link.
Please mark it as solved if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Best Regards
Brittni HenryBrittni Henry
Thank you for your response Sandhya. I have tried your recommendations and I am still encountering the same issue.  The odd thing is that I will save the file under private dashboards however when i log into the same trailhead, nothing is saved and the installed packet "Lightning Adoption Tracker" is no longer saved. I then have to reinstall the packet, edit the Lightning Dashboard, save as, and in the current window i have opened, it shows listed as a dashboard. However, if I click on my current playground it is not listed which is why the challenge is not finding it.  I am at a loss and have spent countless hours trying to resolve this. Different browsers, different computers, having other admins assist and nothing is working.
Brittni HenryBrittni Henry
ahhh i figure out the problem.....the installed packet was downloading in a separate playground under my email address which i had NOT used at all so i'm not sure how this could have happened. I think if all my training had been under one playground, this would not be an issue.  Hopefully others don't run into this same problem.
This was selected as the best answer