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Krishnan Mishra
Why am i getting this error? Element type "apex:outputLink" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".
I have created a visualforce component and would like to use $Action.object name.action name($Action.Contact.Del) within it but i am getting the above error. Following is my controller and component code:
Component code
Controller code:
Ps: Only relevant code is provided here
Component code
<apex:component controller ="PaginationForComponent"> <apex:attribute name= "objectName" description = "The object's name" type = "String" required = "true" assignTo="{!objName}"/> <apex:attribute name= "fieldName" description = "Fields to be displayed" type = "String" required ="true" assignTo="{!fieldNames}"/> <apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action."{!objName}".Edit,}"> Edit | </apex:outputlink> <apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action."{!objName}".Delete,}"> Del | </apex:outputlink>
Controller code:
public class PaginationForComponent { public String objName{get;set;} public String fieldNames{get;set;} }
Ps: Only relevant code is provided here
try this
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try this