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Krishnan Mishra
How do i display contents of wrapper class within the repeat tag?
I have a wrapper class that i want to display on a visualforce page using repeat tag. Following is my code
public class PaginationForComponent { public String objName{get;set;} public String[] fieldNames{get;set;} list<sObject> con = new list<sObject>(); public PaginationForComponent(){ RecordsPerPageslist = 10; } public String query; public String alphaSearchConct{get;set;} public string msg {get;set;} public Map<id,Boolean> m = new Map<id,boolean>(); list<sObject> sortedList; public String myOrder{get;set;} // Ascending or Descending order of sorting public String sortField{get;set;} // Field by which sorting should be done public boolean selectAll{get;set;} public list<String> alphabet{get;set;} public list<sObject> cont; public list<wrapper> allContactList = new list<wrapper>(); public void fieldvalues(){ query = fieldNames[0] + ' , '; for(Integer i=1;i<fieldNames.size();i++){ query = query + fieldNames[i] + ' , '; } query='SELECT ' + query + ' FROM ' + 'objName'; } public Integer RecordsPerPageslist{ get; set{ //To select number of records per page if(value!=null){ this.RecordsPerPagesList=value; System.debug('RecordsPerPageList called'); } } } public ApexPages.StandardSetController stdSetController{ //Instantiating a standard set controller get{ if(stdSetController==null){ con = Database.query(query); System.debug('con in ssc is : ' + con); stdSetController = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(con); } stdSetController.setPageSize(RecordsPerPageslist); //Limiting Number of records to be displayed per page System.debug('stdSetController called '); return stdSetController; } set; } public list<wrapper> getWrapperContacts(){ //List of wrapper class to display in table for(sObject c:(list<sObject>)stdSetController.getRecords()){ allContactList.add(new wrapper(c)); } return allContactList; } public class wrapper{ public boolean isSelected{get;set;} public sObject con{get;set;} public wrapper(sObject con){ System.debug('constructor of wrapper class called '); isSelected = false; this.con = con; } } }
<apex:component controller="PaginationForComponent" > <apex:attribute name="objectName" description="The object's name" type="String" required="true" assignTo="{!objName}"/> <apex:attribute name="fieldName" description="Fields to be displayed" type="String[]" required="true" assignTo="{!fieldNames}"/> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:repeat value="{!getWrapperContacts}" var="repeat"> <apex:outputText value="{!repeat}"> </apex:outputText> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:component>
if this get your problem solved then please mark this as the best answer
Saket Sharma
You can try this, and let me know if not working this