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Use Contact fields to update Account fields

I've tried several times to build a Process to update fields on the Account page of a Contact based on when contact page fields change. Two separate updates, neither working.
  1. We have Accounts being auto-created every time a Contact is created (as Households, but the object is still Account, long story) - I want the Account email field to be filled in with the Primary Contact's email when created. No matter what I try this doesn't seem to be firing
  2. I have a custom field, Support Team, that is on Contacts and we basically copied on to Accounts - I want for that field, every time it's updated on the contact page, to update on the Account page.
Tried criteria (and a combination of these):
  • when conditions met, email field changed=true, update Account field
  • "no critieria, just execute"  email field null=false
What am I missing?! Thanks!