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Krishnan MishraKrishnan Mishra 

Why my output panel is not rendered even if the condition is true?

I want my outputPanel with id = form  to be rendred only if the condition is true,In the debug log i checked my condition is getting true but still i cannot see my output panel.Following is my code:
<apex:component controller="PaginationForComponent" >
    <script src="">
    	function SuccessFailure(msg) {
        	if(msg == '') {
            } else {
            alert('document.ready called');
    <apex:attribute name="objectName" description="The object's name" type="String" required="true" assignTo="{!objName}"/>
    <apex:attribute name="fieldName" description="Fields to be displayed" type="String" required="true" assignTo="{!fieldNames}"/>
    <apex:form >
        <apex:actionFunction action="{!docReady}" name="funAtLast" reRender="none"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Process" reRender="form,alpha,table,button"/>
    <apex:outputPanel id="form" rendered="{!allContactList.size!=0}">
        <!-- For alphabetic search-->
        <apex:pageBlock id="alpha">
            <div align="right">
                <apex:panelGrid >
                    <apex:repeat value="{!alphabet}" var="alph">
                        <apex:commandLink value="{!alph} | " action="{!alphaSearch}" reRender="table,button">
                            <apex:param name="a" value="{!alph}" assignTo="{!alphaSearchConct}"/>
    </apex:form >

Sampath SuranjiSampath Suranji
In your given code, close tag of '<apex:pageBlock>' was missing. I checked the rest of the code by reffering it inside a VF page and it was working fine.

Best regards