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Brittni HenryBrittni Henry 

Installed packages only install on DE instead of Trailhead Playground selected


If i install any packages, regardless of what playground I am in, they only install in my DE making it difficult to complete challenges over time.

Does anyone know why this happens? Is there a way for me to specify what playground to install them in (besides opening the said playground when installing the package because that does not make a difference. They always install in my DE)

Thank you!
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Follow below steps to install it in trailhead playground.

1.Log into trailhead.
2.Create new trailhead playground, select it and click "Launch your hands on org"
3.Refer below link and get trailhead playground username and password.

4.Log into App Exchange from another browser or copy paste the download link in an incognito window.
5.Install in production by providing trailhead playground credentials.
6.Click on "Launch" and check in trailhead playground if App is installed and then check for challenge.
Please mark it as solved if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Best Regards