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Avesh Lakha
Content cannot be displayed: Too many SOQL queries: 101 in VF page
I am facing this error when I am refreshing my VF page. I know this is because SOQL query is written inside the for loops but I am struggling with removing the SOQL outside the for loop.
Here is the method which is called when constructor runs when the page loads
Can anyone please help me in this case.
Avesh Lakha
Here is the method which is called when constructor runs when the page loads
Can anyone please help me in this case.
Avesh Lakha
public List<selectedProductClass> getSelectedProductClassString(){ List<List<String>> lstProductsInCategory = new List<List<String>>(); lstAllAccountProductClassString = new List<selectedProductClass>(); Map <List<String>,String> mapProductCategory = new Map <List<String>,String>(); Map <List<String>,String> mapShow = new Map <List<String>,String>(); for(Account_Product__c accProducts : [SELECT Id,Account__c,Product_Category__c,Show__c,Products__c from Account_Product__c where Account__c =: this.iAccountId]){ for(String pd : accProducts.Products__c.split(';')) { selectedProductClass objClass = new selectedProductClass (); objClass.selectedShow = accProducts.Show__c ; objClass.selectedCategory = accProducts.Product_Category__c; objClass.selectProduct = pd; Product__c[] prod = [SELECT Id from Product__c where Name =:pd AND Product_Category__c =: accProducts.Product_Category__c AND Show__c =:accProducts.Show__c limit 1]; if (prod.size() > 0) objClass.ProductId = prod[0].Id; lstAllAccountProductClassString.add(objClass); } lstProductsInCategory.add(accProducts.Products__c.split(';')); mapProductCategory.put(accProducts.Products__c.split(';'),accProducts.Product_Category__c); mapShow.put(accProducts.Products__c.split(';'),accProducts.Show__c); } return lstAllAccountProductClassString; }
I don't know your exact scenario but there is no a relationship between the objects Account_Product__c and Product__c. In this case, you can use the below code snippet.
Warm Regards,
Nabeel KT
All Answers
I don't know your exact scenario but there is no a relationship between the objects Account_Product__c and Product__c. In this case, you can use the below code snippet.
Warm Regards,
Nabeel KT
Hi Nabeel
Thanks for your help! till now working perfectly doing more testing by using different cases will get back to you in case of face any issue.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Avesh Lakha