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fred flores 20fred flores 20 

Add an Action to Update the Opportunity

Based on the following Trailhead exercise
the flow does calculate the percentage but does not calculate the discount value in currency as noted in the lesson? I added the field to the page which was missing I assume the flow needs additional steps for the value to place into Discount_Amount__c. 
Best Answer chosen by fred flores 20
Narender Singh(Nads)Narender Singh(Nads)
Hey Fred,
Please make sure that your 'Discount Percent' is a percent field with 0 decimal points
'Discounted Amount' a formula field with:
Amount * (1 - Discount_Percentage__c), in the formula.


All Answers

fred flores 20fred flores 20
I did find an error with the discounted Amount field. Once I fixed the field name the process worked but did not update the field value. The lesson did give me an all complete but as stated before I did not find a value in the currency field.
Narender Singh(Nads)Narender Singh(Nads)
Hi Fred,
Refer these screenshots and let me know if it helps.

1.Order 1

2.User-added image

3.User-added image

4.User-added image

5.User-added image

Images Continued...
Narender Singh(Nads)Narender Singh(Nads)
6. User-added image

7.User-added image

8.User-added image

fred flores 20fred flores 20
Narender, as stated the discount is working fine. The failure is the discount value in currency. I went back thru the lesson did not find specific flow to support this field. Thanks for your outline.
Narender Singh(Nads)Narender Singh(Nads)
Hey Fred,
Please make sure that your 'Discount Percent' is a percent field with 0 decimal points
'Discounted Amount' a formula field with:
Amount * (1 - Discount_Percentage__c), in the formula.

This was selected as the best answer
fred flores 20fred flores 20
Narender thanks for the tip. I added two formula fields. One for the Discount value and updated the Discounted_Amount__c into a formula to handle the final value which will now be Amount - discounted_Amount2__c (which holds discounted value) . So my page shows the amount of the discount in $ and the updated value less the discount. To match the lesson.