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santhosh reddy vancha 11santhosh reddy vancha 11 

How to insert the big object values ?

FieldHistoryArchive__b = new FieldHistoryArchive__b();
im inserting values  but im getting invaidType object 
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Please check below post , I hope that will help you

NOTE:- PLease add value according to object data type. Look like you are passing everything as String in  ''
santhosh reddy vancha 11santhosh reddy vancha 11
i was  triging with same but  i'm getting same Exception
Akash v 6Akash v 6
@Santhosh- Please try to create the object first and then you can insert the record.Please follow the steps as per given in the below link.


santhosh reddy vancha 11santhosh reddy vancha 11
It should be standard object
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Yes this is standard object and please pass value according to data type i can see you are passing string value only