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Zlatan SadibasicZlatan Sadibasic 

How do I get Sfdc exposed on window object

How do I get Sfdc to appear on window object in javascript? What library to I pull in?
fred flores 20fred flores 20
I would ask for you to download the Apex Developer Guide and then follow the instructions to install Eclipse IDE. This plugin allows for you to move code from the local machine to Salesforce within a controlled environment. If you have been working in trailhead there is also a new process called Salesforce DX. I don't know how strong you are with code yet but this seems to be another way to code local and push to your test org.

Here is the link to the guide:
Here is the link to Trailhead Salesforce DX if you are interested in a step by step:

Dx allows you to code from your local machine and push to your test org.

Best, Fred Flores
Fellow Salesforce TrailBlazer
Zlatan SadibasicZlatan Sadibasic
For some reason I am seeing a status sync not working with PureConnect for Salesforce in lightning mode, yet classic mode works fine. I am seeing a lot of console errors in integration.js files stating 'registerFunction' cannot be called because the registry is not defined.
Zlatan SadibasicZlatan Sadibasic

In addition:

Is use of the Lightning Console APIs while not in the context of a Lightning component a supported behavior? We've got an OpenCTI application that works fine in Classic mode and calls into some of the Console APIs, but the Lightning Console API seems to require having a component-injected callback in order to get the particular API. For example, to get the Omni Channel API, there's a required cmp.find("omniToolkit") portion. Is there any other way to get access to these APIs from our OpenCTI application while in the Lightning Console? We've attempted to make calls to the API in the Classic syntax, sforce.console.presence.getServicePresenceStatusId() as an example, but run into the errors I mentioned in my last post about a missing "registerFunction" function.

fred flores 20fred flores 20
Zlatan, I know from experience another company faced similar issues and did not move to lightning (within services) based on the same restrictions. My suggestion would be to reach out to Salesforce (open a ticket) and ask the direct questions to them. If you have premier support you should be able to ask your Account Manager for support thru a Solutions Architect.

Fellow Salesforce TrailBlazer
Fred Flores