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Jean Grey 10
Match user to user lookup on custom object to update field in for loop
I have a custom object Daily_Forecast__c, with a field called Forecast_Amount__c (currency) and another field that looks up to User. For each day I need to update the custom field on User.Monday__c with the corresponding Forecast_Amount__c from the Daily_Forecast__c object. There will only ever be one forecast record for each day. I feel I am almost there but my for loop is looping through all forecast records instead of just the one with the correct user lookup. How do I match the User to the Forecast record in my loop?
Please help! Thanks in advance.
//list of forecasts for user & direct reports (this is working) fList = new List<Daily_Forecast__c>([SELECT Id,User__r.Name,User__r.Team__c,User__r.Territory__c,User__r.UserRole.Name,Split_Forecast_Amount__c,Forecast_Amount__c,Day__c,Day_Date__c,RecordType.Name FROM Daily_Forecast__c WHERE Date__c = THIS_WEEK AND (RecordType.Name = 'Daily Forecast' OR RecordType.Name='Weekly Forecast - Monday' OR RecordType.Name='Weekly Forecast - Thursday') AND User__c IN :myTeam]); system.debug('fList '+fList); //MONDAY - add forecast records from monday to monday list (this is working) MondayListE = new List<Daily_Forecast__c>(); for(Daily_Forecast__c e :fList){ if(e.Day__c=='Monday' && e.RecordType.Name=='Daily Forecast'){ MondayListE.add(e);}} system.debug('MondayListE should be daily forecasts from fList with day=monday '+MondayListE); //get users who are represented in the list of Monday forecasts (this is working) userMon = new List<User>([SELECT Id, Name,Monday__c FROM User WHERE Id IN (SELECT User__c FROM Daily_Forecast__c WHERE Id IN :MondayListE)]); system.debug('userMon '+userMon); //my for loop - should loop through the list of users and update them with monday's forecast amount - not working - every user ends up with the same amount, the forecast amount from the last user in the list if(userMon.size()>0){ for(User u :userMon){ for(Daily_Forecast__c f :MondayListE){ u.Monday__c = f.Forecast_Amount__c; update u; system.debug('updates on users '+u); } }
Please help! Thanks in advance.
You have got a list of users in userMon and monday forecast details in MondayListE, but while running the for loop where are you checking that which forecast belongs to which user. I think you need an if condition after the second for loop to check that u.UserName equals f.User__r.Name. Something like this. Than correct values should get updated.
All Answers
You have got a list of users in userMon and monday forecast details in MondayListE, but while running the for loop where are you checking that which forecast belongs to which user. I think you need an if condition after the second for loop to check that u.UserName equals f.User__r.Name. Something like this. Than correct values should get updated.