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Rachel Zelkina 18Rachel Zelkina 18 

No longer able to query Opportunity Object via Microsoft applications (excel; powerbi)

We are no longer able to our OpportunityObject via Excel and Powerbi. We receive the following error or similar (different codes) in both
applications. DataSource.Error: An unexpected error occured. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 1453467511-3909(1633467924).

Our Opportunity object is the most heavily customized object in our org by far. We are at the 500 limit on fields and there are numerous workflows; validations; and process flows that support it. However, we never received this error until recently.

.User-added image
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Rachel,

Sorry for this issue you are encountering.

This type of error indicates that an error has occurred that hasn't been trapped by the platform - a low-level java exception for example.  All you can really do in terms of resolution is to file a support case with Salesforce and provide them the error ID that you are getting to get more information.
If you need to move quicker than, start removing functionality from the component to isolate where the problem occurs and see if there are any other mechanisms you can use.

You can follow a support case by following these [1] directions:
Please mark this as solved if the information helps.
