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Metlaine OuahidMetlaine Ouahid 

The 'Web Leads' report is not using Leads as the report type.

I can't understand why my 500 Pts Challenge is not validated while all the items are right. 
The error message is : Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Web Leads' report is not using Leads as the report type.
But my type report is "Pistes" that means Leads in French
Any help?

Leonardi KohLeonardi Koh
It would be difficult for us to know what is wrong without more information regarding the actual validation being put in place. Presumably there is some form of validation rules, or trigger / process builder, as part of this Challenge validation. We would need to know more about how they are implemented to understand why it wasn't behaving as expected.
Metlaine OuahidMetlaine Ouahid
Hi, here are some screen copy to understand what happened The error message on trailhead Report type selected My report I can't find what's wrong with it. Thanks for your help. Le 28/05/2018 à 02:24, Salesforce Developer Community a écrit :
Same pb as you. did you fix the pb ?
Hi All,

How to auto scroll to top of the page if there is an error in lightning component? please help me
旭亮 周 5旭亮 周 5
Hi. I know how to fix it .  Just change you language to English.
Romain GOMEZRomain GOMEZ
Hi, i know the problem of this, its because you have to put in the part, je vais plutot écrire en francais cela sera plus facile, en faite dans la partie Filtre du rapport tu clique sur -> Me Montrer -> et tu met Piste appartenant à l'utilisateur et tu met toi mais apres je suis sur un autre probleme qui m'indique que mon rapport n'est pas un rapport tabulaire et je ne comprend pas comment resoudre mon pb moi non plus
Romain GOMEZRomain GOMEZ
Pb Resolv : -> Filter (Report) > Show Me > and put Lead from Owner (you) that's all
Kevin Jarvis 11Kevin Jarvis 11
Remove the Lead Owner/Lead Source/Rating from Rows and add them as Columns.
bang haobang hao
Try to use English environment to confirm again.
Ronak Sharma 7Ronak Sharma 7
Just do these 2 steps User-added imageUser-added image