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Process Builder Error On Change Of Owner

Can anyone please help me here:
User-added image

My task is to remove this workflow and create the process builder with same condition. Problem here is with Owner, Case Owner Can be a user or Queue, in workflow condition we are checking the Case owner's name but we have to check this only when owner is Queue.
I have tried to implement this using following way:
AND(ISPICKVAL([Case].Status , 'Open') ,[Case].CaseRecordTypeName__c = 'Global Lead Management Intake' ,IF(BEGINS([Case].OwnerId, '00G')  ,IF([Case].Owner:Queue.DeveloperName <> 'GBL_Case_Management_Queue', True, False) , True) )

But it did not worked for me, can anyone please help me to get the exact formula.

Hi rahul

I have made smoll changed in your condition try it.
Let me know if it is does not work.

AND(ISPICKVAL([Case].Status , 'Open') ,[Case].CaseRecordTypeName__c = 'Global Lead Management Intake',IF(BEGINS(TEXT([Case].OwnerId), '00G')  ,IF([Case].Owner:Queue.DeveloperName <>'GBL_Case_Management_Queue', True, False) , True) )

Shailesh Rawte