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James Henderson 11James Henderson 11 

Setup Developer account to use personal accounts

I am trying to follow the instructions to setup my version of salesforce to use personal accounts

I can't follow the step 

- User profiles that have read permission on accounts have read permission on contacts.

as I have 2 user profiles both named: Authenticated Website one that has read access to accounts and one without. I can't get the one with read access of accounts to have read access to contacts. The two profiles are both auto generated. 

Also as I am using a developer account, when I do get my salesforce account to meet the requirements, I am unable to log a support case. How do I get around this to activate personal accounts?

Best Answer chosen by James Henderson 11
James Henderson 11James Henderson 11
I managed to get this sorted by phoning the salesforce support line and going through to the 'Every user can't login' option to actually speak with someone

All Answers

NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi James,

Sorry for this issue you are encountering.

May I suggest you please login with system administrator profile and follow the above steps as mentioned in the help document which should probably do the trick.

Also, follow the below steps and reach out to the trailhead support team for enabling person accounts in your developer edition org.

Note that Person Accounts are only available for Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions.

Please agree and reply to this message OR submit a case comment with the following answers: 

1. What is the Organization ID of the production or sandbox instance? (Navigate to Setup > Company Profile > Company Information. Please also specify if this is a sandbox or production): 

2. You must be an active system administrator authorized on behalf of this organization to request this feature, please specify the username you are using for this organization. If you are a partner logging this case on behalf of a customer, please also grant login access for 3 days as a proof of authorization (please note that support is not going to use the login access for this activation but is just to validate the request).

3. I understand that once Person Accounts feature is activated, it can’t be disabled (we encourage testing this feature in a sandbox or a Dev/Free Trial org):

4. I have completed the steps below: 

STEP 1: Create a standard account record type. Here is the click-path: 
(If using lightning experience, first switch to Salesforce Classic. To do so: select your avatar and select Switch to Salesforce Classic) 

1. Go to Setup and search for Record Types in the Quickfind box.
2. Create a new Account Record Type 
3. You can use "Business Account" or similar as the record type name if you do not have an existing Account record type, but at least one Account record type must exist.
** Make the record type available for any Profiles that you intend to have access to Person Accounts.
4. Click Next. 
5. Accept all defaults on the next page and click Save. 

STEP 2: Ensure the organization-wide sharing settings have been set for the Contact records to be "Controlled by Parent". This can be verified through this click-path: 

Setup and search for Sharing Settings in the Quickfind box.

STEP 3: Ensure all of the profiles have at least 'Read' permissions on the Account and Contacts objects. This can be verified for each profile using this click-path: 

Click Setup | Search for Profiles in the Quickfind box. 

STEP 4: Please be aware of the following limitations: 

-Person accounts are currently not supported in the Offline Edition as it will not be visible. 
-If you are using Outlook or Notes, you must upgrade to version 3.2. 
-Converting existing customer accounts to person accounts will require a data conversion process. More information about this process can be found here: 

Since this feature cannot be disabled, we strongly encourage customers to evaluate B2C in a test (30 Day free trial) or sandbox instance before enabling B2C in a production org. It is also recommended that any data conversion process be tested in one of these environments prior to converting production data.

You may reach the trailhead support team at the below email address. Hope this helps.

Kindly mark this as sovled if the reply was helpful.

James Henderson 11James Henderson 11


Thanks for your reply, I have been logged in as a System Administrator, unfortunately I am still unable to edit the Authenticated Website profile.
I get the following error
"You may not modify the permission Contact: Read while editing a Standard Profile"
I am unable to confirm step 3.

I agree with getting Personal Account activated for my organisation. My organisation id is 00D0N000000gPDd, it is a developer instance, the username I am using is

James Henderson 11James Henderson 11

I still haven't managed to get my salesforec account setup for personal accounts.

I have found this article outlining why I had the issue above

As per my comments above please can my salesforce account be enabled for personal accounts.

Kind Regards


James Henderson 11James Henderson 11
I managed to get this sorted by phoning the salesforce support line and going through to the 'Every user can't login' option to actually speak with someone
This was selected as the best answer