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Krishnan Mishra
Why I am getting value for the param assignTo?
I am iterating a map using repeat on a vf page. I want to send the selected folder's id in the apex. I tried to use param but it is giving null values.Following is my code:
here fokey is null.
<apex:pageBlockSection id="FolderName" collapsible="true" title="Folder"> <apex:repeat value="{!foMapNames}" var="fokey"> <apex:commandLink value="{!foMapNames[fokey]}" action="{!folderIn}" reRender="none"> <apex:param value="{!fokey}" assignTo="{!foId}"/> </apex:commandLink> <br/> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageBlockSection>
here fokey is null.
Raj Vakati
Change as below
Krishnan Mishra
I want to send the key i.e; fokey to the apex, not the value of the map corrosponding to the fokey.