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Nagaraju Mogili 25Nagaraju Mogili 25 

how can we know the object name and related records from apex code by using first 3 digits of object id or record id ..?

Best Answer chosen by Nagaraju Mogili 25
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati

You can use  getKeyPrefix() method the   sObject Describe Result object:

Returns the three-character prefix code for the object. Record IDs are prefixed with three-character codes that specify the type of the object (for example, accounts have a prefix of 001 and opportunities have a prefix of 006).
//Get prefix from record ID
            //This assumes that you have passed at least 3 characters
            String myIdPrefix = String.valueOf(recordIdOrPrefix).substring(0,3);
            //Get schema information
            Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd =  Schema.getGlobalDescribe(); 
            //Loop through all the sObject types returned by Schema
            for(Schema.SObjectType stype : gd.values()){
                Schema.DescribeSObjectResult r = stype.getDescribe();
                String prefix = r.getKeyPrefix();
                System.debug('Prefix is ' + prefix);
                //Check if the prefix matches with requested prefix
                if(prefix!=null && prefix.equals(myIdPrefix)){
                    objectName = r.getName();
                    System.debug('Object Name! ' + objectName);