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Deanna Aaron 11
Create "Note" when "Task" is Complete
We create "tasks" as reminders and also run reports on tasks. Sometimes those reminders are added in as notes for future reference (but we can't run reports on notes). So, sometimes things are entered in as tasks for reporting reasons.
What we want to do:
Create a checkbox on the task record that says "Create Note"
Once the task is complete, a note will be created on the record. Is there a way to do this?
On the task itself, there's a "related to [record type] [lookup field]
Name [Contact/Lead] [Lookup Field]
We would want to create the note based on the record indicated on the task.
I created the custom field on the task already. I'm in the process builder, but can't seem to figure it out.
Thank you.
We create "tasks" as reminders and also run reports on tasks. Sometimes those reminders are added in as notes for future reference (but we can't run reports on notes). So, sometimes things are entered in as tasks for reporting reasons.
What we want to do:
Create a checkbox on the task record that says "Create Note"
Once the task is complete, a note will be created on the record. Is there a way to do this?
On the task itself, there's a "related to [record type] [lookup field]
Name [Contact/Lead] [Lookup Field]
We would want to create the note based on the record indicated on the task.
I created the custom field on the task already. I'm in the process builder, but can't seem to figure it out.
Thank you.
Following the idealogy of salesforce of point and click, i would suggest go with the process builder + Flow.
Please mark this as the best answer if it helps you resolve the issue.
Here are the steps for the same. :-
Create a Flow :-
Go to Quick Find/Search and Search for Flow. Create a new Flow. On the displayed(you will have to enable the adobe flash Player) select "Record create under the "Palette--> Data" and drag it out on the right screen canvas. It will open up a popup window asking for the name and unique name. Fill out the details as shown/As per need.
As shown above select what ever field you want to have in your note record. Under value, create a sObject Variable as highlighted. It will open up a popup window. fill in the details as shown and click ok.
Now you should be getting something like this in value(Its more like mapping the values)
Map whatever fields you want, for the most basic fields it should like this.
Click the Down arrow symbol(in green). It will make your record Create the first instance to get fired when called upon.
Save your flow. And just to be sure, log out of your org. login again and create a process builder with on task object .
Under action type select flow, type the name of your flow. Automatically the sObject Variable will get populated. Assign it to the task record.
Save and Activate your Process builder.
All Answers
Hi Deanna,
Please confirm if my understanding is right, you want to create a note on the record(Contact/Lead) present on the task ?
Note object is not available in process builder. For that you can either have Trigger to create the note or a Flow which will be fired from your process builder.
Please let us know which way suits you.
Thank you, again.
Following the idealogy of salesforce of point and click, i would suggest go with the process builder + Flow.
Please mark this as the best answer if it helps you resolve the issue.
Here are the steps for the same. :-
Create a Flow :-
Go to Quick Find/Search and Search for Flow. Create a new Flow. On the displayed(you will have to enable the adobe flash Player) select "Record create under the "Palette--> Data" and drag it out on the right screen canvas. It will open up a popup window asking for the name and unique name. Fill out the details as shown/As per need.
As shown above select what ever field you want to have in your note record. Under value, create a sObject Variable as highlighted. It will open up a popup window. fill in the details as shown and click ok.
Now you should be getting something like this in value(Its more like mapping the values)
Map whatever fields you want, for the most basic fields it should like this.
Click the Down arrow symbol(in green). It will make your record Create the first instance to get fired when called upon.
Save your flow. And just to be sure, log out of your org. login again and create a process builder with on task object .
Under action type select flow, type the name of your flow. Automatically the sObject Variable will get populated. Assign it to the task record.
Save and Activate your Process builder.
Can’t Save Record
We can't save this record because the “Complete Task > Create Note” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. <b>An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow</b><br>An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Error ID: 331407408-42644 (12342592)
I'm not sure where I went wrong. These are the steps that I took:
Final Image:
You must have received a mail also. Could you please check what was the reason stated in the mail for this issue ?
Error element Create_Note (FlowRecordCreate).
This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [ParentId]. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide (
Create one Note record where:
Body = {!ThisTask.Description} (ABC XYZ)
OwnerId = {!ThisTask.OwnerId} (0051N000004tH3aQAE)
ParentId = {!ThisTask.WhoId} (null)
Title = {!ThisTask.Subject} (Call to THANK)
Failed to create record.
Maybe it shouldn't be mapped this way: ParentID {!ThisTask.WhoId}
The ownerId defines the User and ParentId defines the Contact/account to which you want to associate this note. If it the task is created on the account please make ParentId = {!ThisTask.WhatId}
I sincerely appreciate your help.
First of all thank you :) .
I saw your question and sorry to say the requirement cannot be fulfilled with flows. As Note object is netiher available in process builder nor in workflow so it is not possible to fire any flow via these. Though we can fire a flow from a custom button but in this case we cannot add custom buttons on a note record layout hence trigger would be the simplest approach.
Do you need it to be done via configuration only ?
kd-- You seriously rock! I can't thank you enough for your reply. So, I'm trying to play around with triggers. I tried this, but it didn't work:
trigger updateMost_Recent_Note__c on Note (after insert) {
List<Account> accLstToUpdate = new List<Account>();
for(Note nt :{
if(nt.ParentId != null && nt.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Account.sObjectType){
Account acc=new Account(Id=nt.parentId,Most_Recent_Note__c=nt.Body);
update accLstToUpdate;
I'm not sure what you mean by "do you need it to be done via configuration only?"
When a new note is created, I want the system to automatically update the account field to show the body of the newest note. I also want to create another account field that automatically updates to show the date of the most recent note. Thank you, AGAIN.
Please let me reply you back on the orginal question so that other might help/get help.
I am trying to use the Flow + Process Builder to auto-create a note on an account record when a lead is created and related to the account. The note will have a body = description of the lead. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong as I keep getting a flow error. Any help and assistance is greatly appreciated. Here are some screenshots for context:
Picture 1 - Flow: Create new note
Picture 2 - Flow
Picture 3 - Flow
Picture 4 - Flow
Picture 5 - Process Builder: trigger flow upon creation of new lead where Related Account is not null and Description is not null
...cont'd in next post
Error Message - When trying to create a test lead from an existing account (so Related Account = Existing Account) and Description field on lead populated
Thanks in advance for any and all help!!!
I have a question that you might be able to help me with. Is it also possible to create a task when a new note has been created?
Our users find it very difficult that Notes do not appear within the Activity Stream and I try to establish a connection between Notes and Activities so that they are also chronologically arranged and appear between all other activities such as tasks, events and mails.
Thanks and Greetings